How to Build a Social Media Foundation in 4 Easy Steps
The Four Pillars of Social Media Campaigns
Does managing your social media platforms ever seem like an uphill battle? You don’t know where to start or how to keep the momentum going? We get that! It can be overwhelming to keep up with the platforms and the constant changes to their algorithms.
At Betsy Bash, Social Media Marketing is our passion and we love to share it! That’s why we wanted to run with this idea of sharing what we believe are the key pillars to starting your social media campaign.
Step 1. Strategize
This is a crucial step in beginning or revamping any brand’s social media presence. You need to sit down with your team (or just by yourself) and think about how you’d like to represent your business on social media. This is arguably the most fun part of the whole process! Brainstorm time!
Some key questions to ask are:
Who are you as a small business or brand?
Who is your target audience?
What is your top goal on social?
Which platform is your audience in love with the most? (You don’t have to be on every platform to be successful.)
What expertise do you have that your audience would love to hear more about?
Once you’ve answered those questions, you can start shaping your strategy. Our Queen Bee of strategy, Lauren (CEO) says, “Without the guiding light of strategy, there’s no easy way to measure your success!”
Step 2. Plan Ahead
Planning for the future is the best way to stay consistent and relevant. Social media feeds fill quickly and the rapid-fire scrolling makes it even more important to have frequent posts and ads to keep your brand fresh in the minds of your followers. But don’t worry, you don’t have to post EVERYDAY! A few times a week is plenty! Find what works for you and your brand.
Once you know how often you’d like to post, create a schedule for yourself and plan ahead! We recommend creating and scheduling content two or more weeks in advance to give yourself and your team the time to come up with new strategies and never feel rushed when posting content. Tasha, our Account Manager says, “I know that we all feel like social media is a spontaneous medium, but take the time to put systems in place to keep you accountable and consistent. Developing monthly strategies, weekly goals and daily action items will take the stress of social away and bring you results you love.”
Step 3. Creative Content
Creating exciting, entertaining, and compelling content seems like a “duh” moment, but we are serious! It is so important to give your followers a reason to not scroll past your content. When creating your content refer back to your strategy constantly!
What are you trying to say?
Who are you trying to reach?
Why do you want to reach them?
How are you going to do that?
A simple Social Media marketing trick we’ve learned is to hook the audience with an attention grabber, inform them of your message and give them a call to action! A call to action can be, to follow your brand, comment on the post, visit your website, etc. Planning and considering your strategy will make this process so much easier! Jonathan, our Ad Manager, advises, “Try to find or create content that will either make someone smile or teach them something about your industry. Declare the type of content you'll be producing and then deliver on it!”
Step 4. Engage your Community
Once you’ve got your strategy and you’ve planned and created your content, there is one more important aspect in building a successful social media brand...engaging with your followers! Your followers are the lifeblood of your success and you have to treat them that way. Responding to direct or private messages, comments and even shares is an invaluable way to create loyal followers that will organically help grow your brand! When someone takes the time to message or comment they want to be heard and showing them that you care is the next step. Our Community Manager, Theresa says, “This type of communication not only builds loyal followers but incentives them to share your brand with their unique circle in a positive way. Also, it can be so fun and informative to interact with your audience!”
Still not sure what to do?
At Betsy Bash, we hope that these tips help you take your small business’s social media marketing to the next level. We are always here to lend a helping hand when you need it! Contact us for a free consultation and follow us on Instagram @BetsyBash for more of the Betsy Babe’s recommendations!