Gather Round the Warm Glow
The glow of your device that is… tis the season, friends! Spooky season! It’s time for scary stories! How we love to hear those tales of witches, monsters, ghosts, and goblins! BUT the Betsy Bash team decided to get in the Halloween spirit with some TRUE-ly terrifying social media stories. Grab your favorite cold-weather beverage and get ready to get SPOOKED!
Lauren’s Battle with Incarceration
The day had come… the foggy morning air held the whisper of potential danger ahead. But still, she persisted. Lauren knew that the doom she felt in her bones was just the nerves. Her client was explicit. Today was the day for the colossal promotional push on the platform, Facebook. It had to be done.
She began her work that day with bravery like no other. Facing down the evil challenges of social media like the warrior she was. But an eerie ruin was waiting around the corner… the dreaded...the it-that-should-not-be-named… FACEBOOK JAIL! The sinister spam algorithm had the precious promotional push in its jaws. Was it all lost?! Had evil won?!
No. Our determined hero persisted. For four treacherous days, she battled with the Facebook jail ghouls! In the end, she freed her client’s account, answered all of the thousands of comments, and emerged victoriously!
Tasha’s Ghostly Encounter
Once upon an eve, the freelance writer Tasha, began to work for a very mysterious client. Hindsight would have revealed a few clues as to the ethereal nature of this encounter but she was young and she was eager! She spoke to the client only at night when the light of the moon shown bright. Always alone. She remembers noting that the client never handled any physical items. Odd.
Despite the chill she felt when interacting with the shadowy figure, she set her price and agreed to do the work. She labored over her work for over 25 hours. She was proud of herself. She sent the finished products to her client and the unpaid invoice. Then she waited...and waited…
There must be a mistake, maybe the client forgot to send her payment… Tasha sends another email again after two weeks. No response, nothing, only the wind whistling its way through her empty bank account. The ghost of clients past had visited her, leaving nothing but the sting of phantom payment in its wake.
Theresa’s Shameful Terror
We start this story at a joyous occasion, a lovely, intimate yet casual wedding in the home of the betrothed. The protagonist of this story was a young, naive, easily influenced girl of 21 years, Theresa. She happily joined in the celebration of marriage with many a toast!
But alas, the spirits of the night had gained a stronger hold on the heroine than she anticipated. Soon she found herself dizzy, wobbly, and unable to see clearly. She needed to lie down, immediately. She slept and when she awoke the next morning a new horror awaited her…
She found herself safe and sound in her bed. Her dutiful companion had assured her return so she felt the briefest moment of relief. Then she decided to check her Facebook and discover that photos from the wedding had been posted...She scrolled to see her tags and there it was. A photo of her sleeping on the ground, head resting on garden hoses was posted for the world to see! THE HORROR!!
Jonathan’s Jack O’ Debacle
Once upon a time, Jonathan knew a man. A man with a thirst, a hunger if you will, for destruction, disruption and general mischief. This man, after gaining too much courage from a bottle of Jack, turned his sights to his employer’s Facebook page. The moon was full and the man’s animal instincts were on full display!
He logged on to the business’s profile and began his rampage! Nothing was off-limits for this man’s lust for chaos! POLITICS! RELIGION! PUPPIES! All under the mask of the business’s name, he roared through Facebook with no regard!
In the light of the morning, there was much to be done to rectify this situation. A lesson had been learned, “Be wary of whom has access to your account on a full moon.”
Tamara’s Draft of the Heart
The night was cool as Tamara walked home from school. She had just listened to a speech given by a writer whom she had admired. She felt bold, brilliant, and encouraged! She desperately wanted to send an email to this writer to let them know how much their speech and work had meant to her!
She decided to do it. Now, was the time to put all of her thoughts into the most perfect email. She begun to write and just as she was finishing the last bit, there came a knock on her door! She saved this draft to go check who it could be… Hm… no one was there. She shrugged off the strange interruption and began again.
Two, no… three more times… three more drafts, each with a suspicious interruption and her beginning anew. By the fourth and final draft, she felt grateful for the moments of interruption because she finally had it right. This was the perfect email. Send.
But wait, she wasn’t so sure. She went to her sent outbox to re-read her email only to discover the frightful truth! She had sent each of her “drafts” to her hero instead of saving them! NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Her cries can still be heard on the wind of a late autumn evening in Chicago.
We hope these Social Media Horror stories tickled your funny bone as much as they did ours! Happy Halloween from all of the Betsy Babes!